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Register to Vote and Make Your Voice Heard

As attorneys, every day we represent people whose rights have been infringed upon or taken away. One of the most fundamental rights we have is our right to vote. We believe every eligible voter should have an equal and fair opportunity to register to vote and cast a ballot. Millions of Americans miss their opportunity to vote because they don’t know how to register to vote, or they miss the deadline to register.  It is crucial to have a voice in our elected leadership, in our policies, and in the direction of our communities. Sadly, many of our neighbors do not exercise their right to...

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[Video] Community Catch-up – July 2023

Here’s a Transcription of this Video for Easy Reading [Amiya (Host)] Hey everyone, I’m Amiya, your host for today’s Community Catch-up with Akbar Thomas. Today we are thrilled to have the dynamic duo of our firm, Attorney Thomas and Attorney Akbar, with us. Today, we will spill the beans and update you on upcoming events in our community. Let’s dive right in. [Amiya] Attorney Thomas, we’ve had a flurry of events in our community, could you share insights on what has impacted you the most? [Attorney Thomas] Thankfully, the school year has concluded. It was a wonderful...

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