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Recovering from a Personal Injury Caused by a Car Accident
The emotional trauma of being involved in a motor vehicle accident is compounded by the severity of personal injury caused by the accident. In other words, the physical and emotional trauma caused by a car accident can be debilitating, painful, and disruptive to all other elements of your day-to-day life. Therefore, you should make your health and recovery from personal injury a priority after you have been in a car accident.
What Are Some Common Personal Injuries?
The types of personal injuries that can be caused by motor vehicle accidents are only limited by the extent of your body’s composition. Therefore, all bones, organs, and every inch of your skin and musculature system are at risk for injury. That said, the most common car accident injuries include:
- Bone fractures
- Contusions
- Lacerations
- Back and spinal cord trauma
- Head and neck trauma
- Paralysis and other permanent disabilities
- Burns
How Long Will It Take to Recover?
Recovering from a car accident personal injury is dependent upon numerous factors that will influence the time it takes to recover. The severity of the injury(ies) is the primary factor that affects recovery time. For instance, some lacerations and contusions may only take a week or two to heal. However, a simple bone fracture might take a month or two. More complex bone fractures and other serious injuries can take months and even years to heal.
Other factors that can influence recovery time include:
- Age
- Overall health before the car accident
- Access to good health care
- Supportive recovery habits (rest and diet)
- Appropriate physical therapy
- Support network
- Prompt medical attention after the accident
That last point is especially important for any seemingly minor injuries. Failing to tend to them early on can make them worse and lengthen subsequent recovery time. If you have been involved in a low-impact auto accident and just feel “shaken up” or a little bruised, you should still always seek out a medical evaluation. Know also that some injuries may not be readily apparent, with pain from them not manifesting until days or weeks after the accident.
Tips for Addressing the Physical Components of Personal Injury
Your medical professionals will develop a treatment plan based on the diagnosis of your injury(ies). Given their expertise, you should always follow their recommendations to ensure the fastest and most effective recovery. Professional medical attention also ensures that you have written documentation proving the extent of your injury(ies) and treatment plan, and this documentation is crucial evidence your personal injury lawyer needs to ensure that you receive fair compensation from the insurance company and/or negligent parties of the accident.
Among medical recommendations you may receive to promote recovery are:
- Ice sore and injured body parts accordingly to help with reducing pain and inflammation.
- Limit your activities, get plenty of rest, and take time off of work as needed.
- Drink plenty of water to keep hydrated and avoid alcoholic beverages.
- Eat healthy foods that reduce inflammation (fruit and vegetables) and rebuild muscle mass (chicken and fish).
- Access physical therapy as recommended to safely restore movement and mobility, while shortening the recovery time.
- Carefully participate in exercise and stretching routines to help foster safe recovery of movement and mobility.
- Get massage therapy to reduce muscle spasms, increase blood circulation to injured areas, and boost range of motion.
Tips for Addressing the Emotional Trauma of Personal Injury
While not as readily apparent as physical injuries, many people who are in a motor vehicle accident experience emotional trauma. This can include depression, anxiety, and even post-traumatic stress disorder, which can be especially debilitating. If you’re feeling psychologically impacted by the accident, then make sure you mention this to your medical professionals and try to get a referral for professional counseling.
To further promote your recovery from the emotional trauma of a car accident, consider:
- Talk to your friends and relatives about the accident, then and how it’s making you feel.
- Resume your daily activities and routines as allowed by your physical health.
- Keep active as allowed by your physical health.
- Avoid alcohol and drugs.
- Eat a healthy diet.
- Ask your doctor about possible medications.
- Take proactive steps—such as talking to a personal injury lawyer—to receive fair compensation for all of the accident’s impacts to your health and life.
Injured in a Car Accident?—Call Akbar Thomas Law Firm Today
If you have been injured in a car accident in the Tallahassee area due to the recklessness or negligence of another driver, you deserve compensation for the physical damages and other impacts the collision may be having on your life. The skilled lawyers at Akbar Thomas Law Firm, PA are dedicated to ensuring that its personal injury clients receive full compensation for medical bills, loss of income, pain, and related-accident impacts. Our firm’s client-centered approach is designed to ease the legal concerns of its clients so they can focus on their physical and emotional recovery. We are highly adept at negotiating fair compensation settlements with insurance companies and will readily take a case to the courts when they prove unreasonable. To learn more about how Akbar Thomas Law Firm, PA can help you receive full compensation for your car-accident related personal injury(ies), contact us today at 850-383-0000.